Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tutorial 1 - Memulai VB6

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Tutorial 1 - Memulai VB6

Tutorial yang pertama ini akan mempelajari tentang bagaimana cara memulai VB6. Kami akan menjelaskan kepada anda tentang interface yang paling awal yang perlu anda ketahui terlebih dahulu untuk memulai melakukan pemrograman VB6. Kami akan menjelaskan secara singkat dan padat, sehingga kami lebih menekankan pada cara praktis untuk menggunakan VB6 dengan cara mudah dan sederhana.

Membuat Project Baru

Untuk membuat Project baru, anda cukup menjalankan program Visual Basic 6, maka akan terampil kotak dialog "New Project", seperti gambar dibawah. Jika anda sudah masuk ke program Visual Basic 6, maka anda bisa melakukannya dengan menggunakan menu File - New Project atau dengan shortcut Ctrl+N. Selain itu anda bisa menggunakan toolbar new project.

New Project
Setelah tertampil kotak dialog New Project, anda pilih jenis project yang akan anda buat.
  • Secara default akan menunjuk ke Standart Exe.
  • Selain itu anda bisa memilih beberapa jenis Project yang lain seperti ActiveX EXE, ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control dan beberapa pilihan lainnya.
  • Pada tutorial 1 ini kami arahkan anda untuk memilih jenis project Standart Exe, yaitu sebuah project yang jika di-compile akan membuat sebuah file Executable yang bisa anda jalankan dari Windows.
  • Setelah anda pilih Standart Exe, secara otomatis VB6 akan memberi nama Project1 atau Project2 secara counter otomatis menyesuaikan dengan yang nama project yang pernah anda buat sebelumnya.
  • Untuk pembahasan tentang jenis project yang lain, kami akan dibahas pada tutorial yang selanjutnya.

Tentang IDE VB6

Setelah anda masuk ke Project dan sebelum anda memulai membuat program VB6, perlu anda ketahui terlebih dahulu interface atau bentuk tampilan dari program VB6 yang dalam software diistilahkan sebagai IDE (Integrated Development Environment), yaitu seperti gambar berikut ini:
IDE (Integrated Development Environment) seperti gambar diatas wajib anda ketahui terlebih dahulu tentang istilah dan fungsi dari masing-masing bagian yang anda, yaitu sebagai berikut:
  • Baris Menu
    Baris menu dari perintah yang disediakan oleh VB6.
  • ToolBar
    Icon sebagai shortcut pengganti menu dengan cara melakukan click gambar icon untuk menjalankan sebuah menu perintah.
  • ToolBox
    Kotak yang berisi component (ocx) yang akan digunakan dalam program VB6, misalkan textbox, label dll.
  • Form
    Kotak utama atau form yang digunakan sebagai kotak interface program.
  • Project Container Window
    Bagian dari project sebagai tempat penampung form.
  • Project Explorer
    Merupakan kotak yang berisikan secara hirarki susunan project, form, module, class dll.
  • Properties
    Adalah kotak yang berisikan tentang properti dari object atau component yang aktif.
  • Form Layout
    Adalah gambaran tampilan dan posisi form di layar windows yang sedang diedit.

Selain tampilan IDE seperti gambar diatas, ada satu lagi kotak/windows yang merupakan pengontrol dari kode program (code) yang sedang anda edit, dengan bentuk tampilan seperti berikut ini:
View Code Window

Terdapat 4 hal yang perlu anda ketahui tentang kotak kode program tersebut yaitu:
  • Daftar Object
    Berisikan daftar dari object yang anda aktifkan dalam project di setiap form yang aktif. Misalkan Form1 berisikan Textbox1 dan Label1, maka di dalam daftar selain object Form sendiri, juga terdapat object lain yaitu Textbox1 dan Label1, serta satu lagi object General.
  • Daftar Procedure
    Berisikan daftar procedure yang merupakan prosedure General, atau event dari setiap Object atau Component yang anda pilih di daftar object; misalkan object Form mempunyai daftar procedure atau event Load, Click, LostFocus dll (yang penulisannya berbentuk seperti procedure secara umum).
  • Procedure View
    Adalah model tampilan dari kotak kode program, yaitu hanya akan menampilkan procedure yang object-nya sedang anda pilih dari daftar object.
  • Full Module View
    Adalah model tampilan dari kotak kode program, yaitu menampilkan seluruh procedure yang ada dari object form yang sedang aktif.

Menyimpan Project

Setelah anda selesai membuat project dan anda telah menyusun bentuk tampilan serta kode programnya, maka selanjutnya anda harus menyimpan project tersebut dengan cara menggunakan menu File-Save Project atau File-Save Project As.... Selain itu ada beberapa menu yang perlu anda ketahui terlebih dahulu dengan memilih menu File, seperti tampak pada gambar berikut ini:
Menu File VB6
Dan ada satu menu lagi yang sangat penting sehubungan dengan hasil pembuatan program anda agar bisa dicoba seperti program-program yang telah jadi dan bisa dijalankan dari Windows yaitu menu Make Project1.exe.

Secara visual kami juga menyediakan tutorial yang bisa anda lihat pada Video Tutorial Mengenal VB6.

Setelah pada tutorial ini anda mengetahui bagaimana cara memulai program VB6, maka pada tutorial berikutnya akan dibahas secara detail tentang Mengenal IDE VB6, sehingga akan lebih lengkap pengetahuan anda tentang program VB6.
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Friday, May 22, 2015

Tricks to Get Google AdSense Approval

Get Google AdSense Approval

We all surely agree if Google AdSense is an Ad program that has the best paying for blog owners. The simple scenario of passive money making through a blog or web has made more and more people interested to get involved. Unfortunately, many of them fail to get the approval when applying for an account. The major problem is the strict requirements this Ad program has.

The increasing number of Google AdSense participants creates tough competition among of them. Google itself will screen the websites before giving the approval by viewing several factors. They include the information detail input when signing up Google account, the age of both site and its owner, and the contents. But mainly, here are some basic requirements of Google AdSense that you have to consider:
  • The age of website of blog should be at least 6 months old.
  • It should not contain of ilegal contents like pornography, violance and cyber cryme.
  • It should not contain of pictures, links or videos that violate the policies and guidelines made by Google
  • Post original contents only. Copying and pasting is strictly prohibited.
  • The blog owner must be at least 18 years old.
  • Have a good navigation system on the blog.
  • Post at least 10 to 20 content rich pages.
  • Optimize the content quality to bring natural flow of visitors’ traffic from Google search.

Usually, it takes months to be officially a part of AdSense, but the result can’t always be satisfying. Here are some tricks to help you obtain the expected notification, i.e. the approval from Google AdSense:
  • Fulfill the basic things that Google AdSense requires.
  • Focus on a specific category on your writing that is accepted by Google.
  • Post original and high quality contents, added with the relevant images.
  • Earn decent traffic from the search engine.
  • Send the application to AdSense after 6 months. Meanwhile, you should keep concentrate in publishing more contents, applying SEO strategies to increase the natural traffic and making your site completely friendly towards the search engines.
  • Utilize Google Webmasters to submit urls and sitemaps. Then, analysis your website health using Google Analytics.
  • Remove the irrelevant links and fix the broken ones.

The tricks above are done manually and require patience. It is possible to get the approval as quickly as possible with more investment on a domain purchasing. If you do not want to spend any, you can still consider the manual tricks that Google more likely to accept.

Increase Google AdSense Revenue with Quality and Long Articles

Increase Google AdSense Revenue

Getting high Google AdSense revenue is one thing that most AdSense user wants. There are many things that people can do to get that and using quality articles and the one with proper amount of word is one of them. Quality article is one of the most important key in any SEO strategy and this is also work for AdSense. People will get attracted by quality content and it will help to generate more traffic as well.

Creating quality content is one thing, but many people ask the same question on how long the article should be if they want to increase their Google AdSense Revenue?Most time, one AdSense block will display 4 ads so if people want to use three AdSense block, they need to place 12 text ads. This is the most common scenario that people use.

With 12 text ads, how long should an article should be? First of all, use some common sense. Imagine an article with 200 to 300 words that have to have all those 12 text ads. That is not enough and people will end up with an article that so full of keyword where the same keyword will show up in every sentence and is keyword stuffing. Nobody likes keyword stuffing and this is not definitely what people will call as quality content.

When people consider the length of their article, they should consider the normal human readers who will read the articles, the amount of keyword that will meet SEO term, and also the keyword that people want to get high paying or CPC AdSense ads. The key here is balance, and when everything is balance then people will have quality content that will answer all their need.

With the example above, the proper length of the article should be around 500 to 600 word. It is not long enough that will make the reader bored with it but it able to contain all the needed keyword in one article without creating any keyword stuffing case. That is exactly what people need to consider if they want to get high revenue on their AdSense. But always remember that quality content is always one thing that people should put above other thing. People should make their article qualified enough, informative and useful to the reader. A quality content combine with the proper amount of AdSense ads will help people to get more from their effort, which means higher revenue.

How to Increase Traffic to a Website

How to Increase Traffic to a Website

An increasing number of traffic that goes to a website will also increase the opportunity of the website to promote and sell the product or service they have. Creating a website is easy because people can ask professional people to work on it with affordable price. But, creating a website is a different matter than driving traffic especially qualifies traffic to the website itself. There are many suggestions that people can follow in this matter and here are some tricks that you can do:

Made up your mind about target and try to get to know your audience

Remember that it is impossible to please everybody. You will end up with failure if you want to get everybody attention. What you need to do is to make up your mind about the audience target and try to get to know them. It means you need to know what kind of topic or what kind of thing that pleases them. Once you find the proper topic, and then focus on it. Focusing on the topic that most likely your audience will love is one straight way to get their attention and in the long term it will transform them from visitors into customer.

Using proper keyword

This is one of the oldest yet the most recommendable trick that you can do to drive more traffic to your website. Do some research first and find the proper and the most effective keyword that will attract people to come and see what you have to offer in your website. No keyword stuffing or other black hat SEO strategies or you will end up banned from the search engine.

Monitor the traffic

Now you get the work done, you need to find out whether your strategy working or not. You need to monitor the traffic on your website. Does it work the way you want it to be or not? Gather the information that you get and evaluate it. If it doesn’t work the ways you want it to be then you need to know why and get it fix right away. If it works, you need to continue the good work and you can expect increasing traffic to your website. You can use variety tools to monitor the traffic such as Google Webmaster Tool and Google Analytics.

It will take time and hard work to see the increasing traffic in your website, since there are many people out there who were trying to achieve the same goal like you do right now. Be patient and keep working on it for some time before you can see the promising result.

Rules of Inserting Keywords for Maximizing AdSense Earnings

Inserting Keywords for Maximizing AdSense Earnings

There is a big correlation between writing good articles with putting enough keywords in your articles. The correlation is simple. Your articles are good if they have some keywords inserted because they can be found easily in the search engine. However, putting keywords in your article should be done properly. You cannot just put the keywords in anywhere that you like. You should think about the AdSense optimization by placing the keywords in your articles correctly. Adding too many keywords is also not a good thing. You should not stuff your articles with keywords resulting in low quality content.

The title is the most important place to insert your keywords

The title would be the first thing that would be scanned by the search engine. By inserting keywords in the title, you have more opportunity to get scanned by the search engine. The title will appear as a link in the search engine once the readers type the keywords that are contained in your title. Also, the title is the first thing people will look at from your articles. If they are not attracted by the title, they will not continue reading the article.

Insert your keywords in the Meta description is also important

Tough the Meta description will not be read by the readers because this is not shown; the search engine can scan and identify your Meta description. Consider the first 150 characters of your Meta description to have the important keywords because these would be looked at by the search engine. this will be so much better if your keywords are put in the front of your meta description in case the search engine will take only a bit of it.

Add a header and a sub header to your article, and then insert the keywords on them

It is better to put the keywords in the front of the header and sub header to make them easily scanned by the search engine. After that, consider inserting your keywords in the right place of the content of the articles. Keyword density is important and necessary, but keep in mind to not stuff your articles with keywords so that you make your articles not well written. Do not overstuff your articles. Just put the keywords as often as possible, but do not overdo it. Your articles are not written for the search engine. They are written to be read by the readers. That is why a well written article is important.

Why Search Engine Algorithms in Search Engines Important? Perhaps this is your next question you need to consider and you learn seriously to be able to get maximum results.

Ten Ways to Increase Website Traffic from Twitter

Ten Ways to Increase Website Traffic from Twitter

Twitter is one of the most famous social media with quality PR 9. This is very helpful to improve the traffic flow or as a link to your website. In addition, it also became one of the most excellent tools to create an optimization of the most powerful and can be found on search engines. With the fierce competition on the same keyword, then social media is a tool that is most widely used by everyone. Therefore, when you have a personal web site or a seller, you can use twitter as a tool to help improve search engine. If you do not have it, then you can create a twitter account at this time also.

Twitter can work premises easier. In addition to being the most social media trends, twitter can also be used as a business to promote product sales. The more posts on twitter, so the more people who visit your web site. Although twitter only provide minimal words. However, you can use it as a social media campaign with shorter sentences.
Is your website traffic is still lacking?
How do you develop it?
Are you going to do twitter as a first step to increase traffic to your website?
How much traffic your website is obtained from twitter?
When you have google ads ads (Adsense) on your website, then you can use twitter that can help to increase more traffic. So that people will be easy to determine which ads ads available and you will be earning in google adsense.

Twitter provides a platform to increase traffic to your website. In other words, through Twitter you can reach your target audience the most numerous and unpredictable with your mind. Therefore, you can promote your business on twitter to get bigger income. Here are 10 ways to increase traffic to the website of the fastest twitter:

1. Creating a more attractive profile
Making Twitter profile interesting does not mean using words better. But to make an interesting profile into an attract visitors to see your account and can read the tweets that have been updated. Therefore, you can make your biography by inserting short words.

2. Using a good name
Using a good name in the twitter account would have an impact more important. Therefore, when you use the name of good, surely visitors will see your account. So, the name of which must be made in accordance with your business. It is one of the key factors that can help increase your website traffic.

3. Insert the URL of the website
Insert website URL on twitter can help improve search engine optimization. Although many people who do not deign see the URL.

4. Promote twiter account
Promoting twitter account anywhere can help people will see your account. The more people who see your account, the more the comments on your updates.

5. Drawing the attention of those around you
Attract the attention of people in your sekiar be a very good function to invite people see your web site.

6. Creating a stronger network
If you have a group, page or other social media communities, then encourage them to become followers of twitter; because in the same group, members of which there are already accustomed loyal friend.

7. Increased network traffic flow safely
Never try to use instant way by using a follower generator, because it would cause your account is filled by followers who may not know who you really are, and certainly not safe because this way twitter is definitely going to give a penalty to you.

8. Post interesting content
It is certain that every thing new, unique, exciting and sometimes a little strange always be trending. Therefore, it is much better if you're always thinking and looking for what the content will be trending. Do not give stale content so that it will make your follower bored, and worse will unfollow your account.

9. Using twitter widget
Use the widget on your site, so that every person who visits your website can see where they can get updates from your website by becoming a follower of your twitter account.

10. Offering a model of interesting writing style
Try to learn from twitter accounts that have a lot of followers, except that they are already becoming a public figure, on average they give the feel of writing unique, readable and always provide something worth waiting for the next.

Think a positive way so that you would use in a positive way as well. Do not use instant way as using a generator and so on, because a negative way would be very detrimental to you later.

Optimizing Javascript Plugin Code Loading Asynchronously

Javascript Asynchronous Loading

Did you know that adding a JavaScript code to your website needs with asynchronous mode can alleviate the performance of your blog when loading. Asynchronous JavaScript or commonly called the async javascript is more SEO friendly as it can speed up loading of your blog. This is because in the programming techniques JavaScript Plugin Code/API will not overload browser and reduce blocking of page rendering when loading with asynchronous mode into your website.

If you adding button social media to share your page, then in fact it will weigh on the performance of the browser, so it will reduce the loading speed of your website into the browser. So if you do a test with SEO Tools, it will reducing scores of your website significantly. Try to test your website using and see the results.

Prefer Asynchronous Resourc

Three JavaScript Plugin Code/API Most Frequently Used

There are three JavaScript Plugin/API codes of social media is most often used in websites, namely Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. I'll give it 3 ways adding JavaScript Plugin/API code into your website Asynchronously.


To load the Facebook Javascript Plugin Code with Asynchronous mode, you replace old Facebook Javascript Plugin Code, with copy and paste code below, right after <body> tag.

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); = id;js.async=true;
js.src = "//";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>


To load the Twitter Javascript Plugin Code with Asynchronous mode, you replace old Twitter Javascript Plugin Code, with copy and paste code below, right before </body> tag.

<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.async=true;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script>

Google Plus

To load the Google Plus Javascript Plugin Code with Asynchronous mode, you replace old Google Plus Javascript Plugin Code, with copy and paste code below, right before </body> tag.

<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

Do not underestimate the slightest to optimize the performance of your website, as this will greatly affect your website SEO.

Make Your Own Syntax Highlighter on Blogger

Syntax Highlighter on Blogger

On the website, to include programming code such as CSS, HHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, C ++ or the other, you should use the Syntax Highlighter for explaining to the readers of your website in order to more easily understand the code and easy to copy the code.

Website to be Slow

Yes indeed, your website will be slower; if you use the Syntax Highlighter Online as a source of the website code and not made inline, then your website will decrease the speed, so that it will interfere with the performance of your SEO friendly website; especially in the online source many facilities that actually rarely used, so the website file size becomes very big.

Make Your Own Syntax Highlighter

It's easy to install Syntax Highlighter into your website, I will give a simple example in applying Syntax Highlighter into your blog; in this example I use blogger. It's easy and simple as the following:


Open Blogger > Template > Click Edit HTML
Copy and Paste the code below before </head> tag

/* CSS Simple Pre Code */
pre {
background: #fff;
white-space: pre;
word-wrap: break-word;
overflow: auto;

pre.code {
margin: 20px 25px;
border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
border-radius: 2px;
position: relative;
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.08);

pre.code label {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 13px;
color: #444;
position: absolute;
left: 1px;
top: 16px;
text-align: center;
width: 60px;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
pointer-events: none;

pre.code code {
font-family: "Inconsolata","Monaco","Consolas","Andale Mono","Bitstream Vera Sans Mono","Courier New",Courier,monospace;
display: block;
margin: 0 0 0 60px;
padding: 15px 16px 14px;
border-left: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
overflow-x: auto;
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 19px;
color: #444;

pre::after {
content: "double click to selection";
padding: 0;
width: auto;
height: auto;
position: absolute;
right: 18px;
top: 14px;
font-size: 12px;
color: #aaa;
line-height: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
transition: all 0.3s ease;

pre:hover::after {
opacity: 0;
visibility: visible;

pre.code-css code {
color: #0288d1;

pre.code-html code {
color: #558b2f;

pre.code-javascript code {
color: #f57c00;

pre.code-jquery code {
color: #78909c;


Copy and Paste the code below before </body> tag

<script type='text/javascript'>
//Pre Auto Selection
$('i[rel="pre"]').replaceWith(function() {
return $('<pre><code>' + $(this).html() + '</code></pre>');
var pres = document.querySelectorAll('pre,kbd,blockquote');
for (var i = 0; i < pres.length; i++) {
pres[i].addEventListener("dblclick", function () {
var selection = getSelection();
var range = document.createRange();
}, false);

The above script function for automatically selecting each perform double-click on the area of pre tag, kbd, and blockquote.


To display Syntax Highlighter into your article, your blog post that you create using a format like the example below:

<pre class='code code-html'><label>HTML</label><code>
... HTML code (which has been parsed) here ...

<pre class='code code-css'><label>CSS</label><code>
... CSS code (which has been parsed) here ...

<pre class='code code-javascript'><label>JS</label><code>
... JavaScript code (which has been parsed) here ...

<pre class='code code-jquery'><label>Jquery</label><code>
... JQuery code (which has been parsed) here ...

Important to note!; code to be displayed as syntax highlighter should be parsed by XML Escape, for do this you can use online formater like

In the example above Syntax Highlighter is limited for the type of HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and JQUERY; using a white background color. You can change according to your favorite color with the edit CSS code.

What is certain in making Syntax Highlighter itself Inline into your website / blog, acceleration speed access your website does not have much effect; so as not to damage your SEO friendly website which has been prepared carefully. Good luck!

How to Make SEO Friendly Articles

Make SEO Friendly Articles

SEO Friendly Articles is the process of optimizing a articles so that people can easily find it via search engines like Google; This is called "article preferred by Google"; thus, the article you will get a good ranking in the search engines.

So what should you do?

Please refer 10 steps to make your article SEO Friendly.

1. Put keywords in the article title

The most basic thing that most of you already know, namely by putting keywords in the article title. Try to put the keywords in the front or the first word in the title.

2. Put keywords in the URL

One important thing is to put the keywords in the URL. For this you do not need to be confused, because most blog platforms will adjust automatically to the title of the article. If it does not fit between the keyword is the URL, then change to become a permalink that match keywords like Blogger.

3. Put keywords in the meta description

Perhaps for this will not affect much but put the keywords in the meta description can help increase CTR or click-through rate of your blog in the search engines.

4. Put keywords in the first 100 words in the article

Number of keyword density in my opinion is not so important, the most important is the keyword should appear at least on the first 100 words in the article.

5. Long article is better

Article length should reaches 600 words or more. Google likes long articles and reviews in detail.

6. Use related images

Whatever the topic of your article as much as possible to put the relevant images. One picture alone is enough, but more than one is better. The most important thing that must not be overlooked when installing an image is put ALT and TITLE attributes.

7. Use related videos

Not be mandatory, but if let you plug in the video, then attach the relevant video with your articles in order to provide added value.

8. Use proper anchor text

If you use both internal and external links, then use the anchor text SEO Friendly. Suppose you give a guide to download, then do not write the anchor text with "Please Download Here", but you write like this "Please Download SEO Friendly Article".

9. Use internal links

Link to other relevant articles on your blog is quite important, because it can help search engines and readers to explore the content of our blog.

10. Use external links

Many argue put outbound links will only reduce the quality of the article, whereas the reality is the opposite. Replacing the outgoing links can add value in your blog article, with a note:
  • Using out that the relevant link
  • Using nofollow attribute
  • Do not use the target keywords as anchor text
  • Link to authority sites (example: Wikipedia)

Most bloggers trying to make the article to be liked by google, but forgetting the main purpose why they make the article. Write an article that is actually required by the reader. The next thing you can do is to promote your blog posts on social media or other places so that more readers. So it is not merely rely on Google.
Preferred by google was nice, but the most important is preferred by the readers of your article. 
Then how to determine the most appropriate keywords for your article? Get tips on keyword research here.

How To Research The Most Appropriate Keywords

Research The Most Appropriate Keywords
Choosing the right keywords for your blog is very important. If you choose the wrong keywords, then do not be surprised if your blog is empty of visitors. If your blog is empty of visitors, later the edges you will quit blogging. But hopefully by reading this post you are not going to stop blogging until it could get a lot of visitors.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is to find keywords that are frequently typed by people in search engines according to your blog topic.

For example your blog discusses operating systems, then roughly what keywords are often used by people to search for information about the operating system in a search engine, whether it is "Review of Windows 8" or "Windows 10" or "Best Operating System" or the other.

Keyword research is one of a very important part in SEO strategy. For those of you who want to get visitors from search engines, then there is no reason not to conduct a search keyword. You can still get visitors from search engines without keyword research, but will not be maximized.

Keywords Type

Before you read this post any further, it's good to first understand some kinds of keywords in SEO techniques, keyword has many types. Some types of keyword are:
  • Short tail keyword
  • Long tail keyword
  • Timeless Keyword
  • Seasonal keyword 

In addition to the four types of keyword above I actually still an awful lot of others, but the most important thing to know is the four types above.

1. Short tail keyword

Short tail keyword is a keyword which generally consist of only one or two words only, for example:

Cheap Android
Latest Smartphones


Type in keywords such as these usually have very high levels of competition. It is very difficult to be able to compete on a keyword like this unless you have a high level of SEO knowledge.

2. The Long tail keyword

Long tail keyword is a long version of the short tail keyword, for example:

A List Of The Coolest Android Smartphone
Best Samsung Android Smartphone

If you are still a beginner so long tail keyword is definitely more recommended since the level of competition which is likely to be lower and make it easy for you to master the top positions of search engines.

The shortcomings of the long tail keyword traffic is obtained not by as much as a short-tail keyword. In addition it is also quite difficult to find long tail keywords that are really good.

3. Timeless Keyword

Timeless Keyword is a keyword that always used people to search for information on a search engine and does not depend on time, for example:

How to convert cm to inches

These keyword including timeless Keywords because everyone will surely do the same calculations.

4. Seasonal keyword 

Seasonal keyword is the opposite of immutable keyword, the keyword that is seasonal or just popular for a moment, for example:

Wimbledon Champion 2015

How To Research Keywords

Now the question is, how to do keyword research?

Below I explain about how to conduct keyword research using Google Adwords: Keyword Tool Planner.
  • Go to Google Adword: Keyword Planner
  • If you are already registered then click Sign in button, if you haven't register click Create an account.
  • After going to the dashboard Keyword Planner, choose one of the 2 menu Find new keywords as you want, namely: search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category or the Multiply keyword lists to get new ideas.
  • The easy way is to use the first option.
  • Once the dialog box appears, enter the short tail keyword you want according to your topic, e.g. "Android"
  • Specify the targeting of country, language, date range and search engine (for while you ignore the other fields).
  • Click Get ideas, then the graph will appear, Ad group ideas and Keyword ideas. Select the Keyword ideas tab it will pop up list of keywords as shown below.
    Keyword Planner
  • After the keyword list appears, then the retrieved data is that you can learn and that you will use as a keyword?
  • In the list have provided data about Average monthly searches, Competition, Suggested bid and Ad impression share.
  • To facilitate the analysis of the keywords list, download the list simply by clicking the Download button, and then you select the CSV type and you can open the file with Excel.
Look for keywords with a high level of Average monthly searches but the level of Competition is low and Suggested bid (for google adsense) is high.
List about the level of competition that exists in the Google AdWords: Keyword Planner is an AdWords advertiser competition data, not a competition in the search engine Google.

For information about how to analyze the level of competition you can use browser Extensions like SEOQuake or MozBar.

If you use the Analyzer level competition tool, it can know the level of competition based on Pagerank, Alexa Rank, Index, etc. from the webs which appeared on the main page of the google search engine. Some of the tips that I can give, if you use the SEOQuake or MozBar is:
  • Do not choose a keyword that is controlled by the web authority, for example: Wikipedia
  • Do not choose a keyword that is controlled by the web with pagerank in the top 5
  • Do not choose a keyword that is controlled by the web with page authority and domain authority over 50.

How To Execute A Keyword

To perform a execution keyword into your article, you can read our article about How to Make SEO Friendly Articles, there will be explained in detail how to do it.

Getting Traffic with Giving Awards to Another Blog

Giving Awards to Another Blog

It occurred to me after reading a blog "blogingfunda" written by Mohinder Paul Verma, that it is important to reward the one who gave you the inspiration to write a blog so that you get satisfaction from the results you achieve. I think it can improve web traffic or blog naturally also, of course, with a few tricks which I will explain below.

How Come?

Try to imagine, how happy you are if your blog or your name (especially for beginner bloggers) featured in an article on the blogs of others. You will feel proud and of course you will automatically open that blog; and of course you would definitely try to share to your friends.

So What Next?

  • Look for blogs that inspire you to write a blog and really good quality; do not take high pagerank blog, because it is definitely too much comment author so your chances are ignored.
  • Take more than one blog that inspired you to be given an award by writing to your blog (tailored to the needs of your article topic).
  • If you already have a couple of blogs that became the inspiration for writing your blog, then intertwine network to the author to communicate with each other, so that it can make your friends to share.
  • Share any article in the blog to the blog author intended.
  • Exchanging article can also be done to get backlinks in a very simple.

It was five in my opinion to be able to get natural traffic by giving awards to the other blogs, and you can develop other ways without having a negative way; and I am very sure in this way will give a positive lesson to the reader so that the reader will appreciate you.

Good luck, those who have another opinion, I do not hesitate to discuss with you.

Sending email from Google Sheets (Google Drive)

Google Drive provides many facilities applications that can be used freely, as well as general file storage. One that has been often we use is Google Sheets. You can take advantage of this spreadsheet as a list to send emails automatically. If you already have a Gmail account, then you can directly access Google Drive here.

Sending Email Automatically

How the steps you have to do to send emails automatically from spreadsheets (Google Sheets)? very easily, you can follow the steps below:
  • Go to the Google Drive website.
  • Click New button, followed by the selection of Google Sheets.
    google sheet
  • Then write the data Email and Message as an example the following picture:
  • Then select Tools menu, then select Script editor sub menu.
  • Furthermore, after entering to form Script editor, copy and paste the following script:

function sendEmails() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process
var numRows = 2; // Number of rows to process
// Fetch the range of cells A2:B3
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 2)
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (i in data) {
var row = data[i];
var emailAddress = row[0]; // First column
var message = row[1]; // Second column
var subject = "Sending emails from a Spreadsheet";
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message);

  • After you paste the above script as shown in the figure below, save it by clicking Save button (Floppy Disk image).
  • Next run the script followed by selecting Run menu option sendEmails script.
  • Then the process will be executed and the confirmation will appear as shown below, select Continue and followed the next selection by clicking Accept button.

    google sheet email
    google sheet email
Then the process of sending email based on the data that you write in Google Sheets will automatically be sent. Good luck.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Tags and Styling Template

Moon Walker

Normal Paragraph

Ea eam labores imperdiet, apeirian democritum ei nam, doming neglegentur ad vis. Ne malorum ceteros feugait quo, ius ea liber offendit placerat, est habemus aliquyam legendos id. Eam no corpora maluisset definitiones, eam mucius malorum id. Quo ea idque commodo utroque, per ex eros etiam accumsan.

Paragraph Format

Et posse meliore definitiones (strong) his, vim tritani vulputate (italic) pertinacia at. Augue quaerendum (Acronym) te sea, ex sed sint invenire erroribus. Cu vel ceteros scripserit, te usu modus fabellas mediocritatem. In legere regione instructior eos. Ea repudiandae suscipiantur vim, vel partem labores ponderum in blogger templates (link).

Default KBD

To paste copied text content stripped of formatting, use +Opt+Shift+V.

Paragraph As Code

Mel putent quaeque an, ut postea melius denique sit. Officiis sensibus at mea, sea at labitur deserunt. Eam dicam congue soluta ut.

Pre Code

<div class='post'>
<div data="Your Title Here">Your Content Here</div>
<div data="Your Title Here">Your Content Here</div>
<div data="Your Title Here">Your Content Here</div>

.post {
background: #fff;
margin: 0 0 15px;
padding: 15px;

<button onclick="myFunction()">Post</button>

function myFunction() {
document.write(5 + 6);

jQuery.cssRule(".post", "display", "block");

Paragraph As Blockquote

Eu mei solum oporteat eleifend, libris nominavi maiestatis duo at, quod dissentiet vel te. Legere prompta impedit id eum. Te soleat vocibus luptatum sed, augue dicta populo est ad, et consul diceret officiis duo. Et duo primis nostrum.

Unordered list
  • Blogger templates
  • Templates
  • Blogs
  • Layouts
  • Skins

Ordered list
  1. Login
  2. Visit Arlina Design
  3. Download template
  4. Install
  5. Enjoy!


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Alert Message

success message : You successfully read this important message.

Alert message : This alert needs your attention.

Warning message : Warning! Best check yo self.

Error message : Oh snap! Change a few things up.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam facilisis sapien et nibh interdum, sit amet convallis odio dictum. Morbi laoreet erat eu sagittis feugiat. Donec at feugiat nibh. Nulla fermentum aliquet quam. Integer pulvinar imperdiet porttitor. Phasellus consectetur venenatis augue non mollis.

Maecenas euismod neque et metus semper, in aliquet mauris finibus. Cras a nulla vel nisi efficitur interdum et at erat. Vivamus nunc magna, hendrerit vitae fringilla in, tincidunt in ante. Suspendisse facilisis consequat nunc, non pharetra ante bibendum sit amet. Proin fermentum ullamcorper blandit.

Table Header 1Table Header 2Table Header 3
Division 1Division 2Division 3
Division 1Division 2Division 3
Division 1Division 2Division 3

Free Mobile-Friendly Blogger Template May 2015

Free Mobile-Friendly Blogger Template

Here is free mobile-friendly blogger template that you can download. Besides a look good, this template also has very good speed, so it can improve your SEO; Ripple Clean and Responsive blogger template created by Arlinadesign, and I highly recommend using this template.

Ripple Clean and Responsive blogger template features:
  • Mobile-Friendly
  • Responsive
  • Clean Typography
  • Dynamic Heading 
  • 2 Column Style
  • Light Theme Base Color
  • Minimalist
  • Auto Read More with Thumbnail
  • Responsive Ad Slot
  • Breadcrumbs 
  • Related Posts with Thumb
  • Search Box
  • Video/Music Post
  • Social Share Button
  • Numbered Page Navigation
  • Smooth Scroll Back to Top
  • Custom Subscribe Box Widget
  • Custom 404 Page
  • Multi Author Box
  • Contact Form Widget

If you are not a developer, you don't need to think how to make your blog Mobile-Friendly, just download and install this template as your blogger template.